Hey, kids -- come and check out our fabulous AWANA program!
AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (II Timothy 2:15). That's our main Bible verse, and you can learn many more great Bible verses by attending AWANA each week.
If you are in Kindergarten or Grades 1-6, you're the perfect age for AWANA. We want to teach you to know, love, and serve God through Bible stories, verses, and even by playing fun games!
AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (II Timothy 2:15). That's our main Bible verse, and you can learn many more great Bible verses by attending AWANA each week.
If you are in Kindergarten or Grades 1-6, you're the perfect age for AWANA. We want to teach you to know, love, and serve God through Bible stories, verses, and even by playing fun games!
You will be a Sparks club member if you are in Kindergarten to Grade 2. The SPARKS program is a really great way to understand who God is. You will have your own special leader who will teach you about people in the Bible, and will help you memorize Bible verses and complete handbook activities.
T & T stands for Truth & Training, and you can be in this group if you are in Grades 3 to 6. The T & T program will help you understand even more about God and the Bible, and will give you tips on how to love others like God loves you. You can even ask the really tough questions about God and your leader will help you find the answers. It's a lot of fun, so invite your friends to come along!
Awana Schedule
Awana is done for the year. See you in the Fall!